
Privacy Policy

We value your privacy and want your visit to our Website and use of our Services to be as pleasurable and gratifying as possible. This Privacy Statement explains what personal information is collected from our website visitors (collectively, "Users") and how and when it may be used or shared by Catzapp Software Ltd Oü ("website," "site," "we," "us," "our"). This Privacy Policy does not apply to information gathered elsewhere, including offline and on sites, apps, or services linked to from the Website. This Privacy Policy may be amended and updated at any moment without previous notification to you.

Consent of the User: using or accessing our Website, you grant us permission to collect, use, and disclose your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Statement is subject to our Terms of Service. Please read our Terms of Service for more details.

What Information We Collect: Personal Data is any information that may be used to identify or contact you, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, and any other non-public information. "Anonymous Data" refers to information that is unrelated to or linked to your Personal Data. When users visit or utilize our Website and Services, we gather both Personal Data and Anonymous Data. We may also collect the User's IP address, web browser information, mobile software and hardware information, sites or areas visited on the Website, Services, and the time such pages and areas are viewed. Our server, software, and tools may collect data on the make, model, settings, and specs of your computer, mobile device, or any other device automatically.

How We Use the the collected information: We collect and use your information for a variety of purposes. We use the information we gather to improve the Website's content and the quality of the Services. We collect and use your information to: (a) improve the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns; (b) track your requests, feedback, and status; and (c) monitor aggregate metrics or the most popular areas of the Website. Some or all of your Personal Data may be shared with our subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other organizations under common control ("Affiliates"). If another company acquires our firm, business, or assets in the future, that company will use, distribute, or disclose the Personal Data of Users obtained by us in the manner specified in this Privacy Policy.

Except when it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, or situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, or when User violates the Terms, or as otherwise required by law, the information we collect is not shared with or disclosed to other third party organizations for commercial purposes. We may grant access to our database or User records to law enforcement officials in order to comply with official investigations or legal processes, as well as in response to search warrants, court orders, or other legal process.

How is the data collected: Catzapp Software Ltd Oü collects your data through web hosting partners and third-party servers, who provide the necessary infrastructure, software, networking, storage, and related technologies to administer the Website. We hold the databases and all rights to the Website, but you maintain all rights to gather and preserve your data if you submit feedback. We use Cookies to collect information about the date and time of your visit, as well as the information you looked for and the sites you saw. "Cookies" are little bits of information that a website sends to your computer's hard disk when you visit it. If you wish, you may have your computer/mobile device notify you whenever a cookie is transmitted. If you choose to turn off cookies, some of our Website features or Services may not function properly.Our website contains social media functionality. These features may gather your IP address and establish a cookie in order to work properly. A third party may host social media services on our website. Any interaction with features is subject to the privacy policies of the firm that provides such functions.

We may employ the services of a third-party analytics provider to gather information about how you use and interact with our Website or Services. Aspects of our Website may allow Users to openly post content/comments. You agree that we have the right to reproduce, distribute, and publish such information and comments. We cannot monitor or assure the privacy or security of publicly available information.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties that assist us in providing our services or perform services on our behalf. Third-party suppliers, for example, may be used to approve and process payments, administer the Website, or execute software. Your personal information may be stored and processed by our third-party vendors in the United States or elsewhere. We do not give them permission to use or disclose User personal information for marketing or other reasons.

Data Security: are committed to ensuring the protection and security of your Personal Data. To safeguard your Personal Data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure, we employ industry-standard security technology and processes. However, keep in mind that no form of data transfer over the Internet is completely safe. We make reasonable measures to safeguard your Personal Data, but we cannot guarantee its complete security.

We shall send you e-mails and newsletters that directly encourage the usage of our Services on a regular basis. You can opt out of getting future messages from us by following the unsubscribe instructions in the e-mail you receive or by contacting us directly.

Age restrictions: Individuals under the age of 18 are not permitted to use this Website or our Services. Anyone under the age of 18 is not permitted to provide personally identifiable information or use our Website or Services. Before making a Request for our Services, such individuals must be accompanied by their parent(s) or legal guardian(s). We urge parents or legal guardians who are concerned about their children's activity or privacy on the Website to contact us as outlined below.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy: We may amend or update our Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changing Internet use habits. We urge that you review our Privacy Policy each time you visit our Website to ensure that you are aware of our most recent policy. By continuing to use our site, you agree to the amended Privacy Policy. You may request that we remove your Personal Data at any time, but in that event, you will be unable to use certain parts of our Website or Services. We will erase any information on User from our active database, but it may remain in our archives. This information may be kept for fraud prevention or legal purposes.

Additional Information: Your PRIVACY is our number one priority. We are dedicated to providing our Users with high-quality products and services. For any issues regarding our collection or use of your personal information, or for more information or concerns about the Privacy Policy, please visit our Terms of Service or contact us by email at info@catzapp.com or fill out our online support form found on our contact us page.